My Love, Help Me Hold On
Oh my Allah, to whom I belong.
Please, my love, keep steadfast, keep me strong.
For I am an ungrateful sinner,
Drowned in your blessings,
And run back to you when things stop processing.
All mighty, all-wise, all-knowing, and strong,
My Allah, my love, to whom I belong.
Even when things go wrong,
You send reminders,
To tell me to stay strong.
So gentle, so merciful, so kind.
You love me way too much and to that I can sometimes be blind.
Even when I can’t process your wisdom behind the scenes,
I pray I have the submission to remember to be keen,
On your trust, I pray I hold.
With your guidance, I can be bold in speaking the truth,
For your sake, I’ll give away my youth.
You created it all for me,
And I’ll gladly give it all up for you.
Oh Allah, my love, my god,
I pray I hold onto your straight path and remain strong.
The tides of Earth and worldly pleasures with all the pressure may rise,
But I want to hold onto you and your words of advice.
Dua is yet another blessing I hold dear,
Oh Allah, please keep my vision clear.
For I am all that I fear,
To taint the purity you hold so dear.
I am a sinner and I pray I repent,
For your love and mercy knows no end.
All mighty, all strong, with you, nothing can ever go wrong.
So please don’t make me choose.
Guide me or I will lose.
This Earth is vast and temptations are strong.
Alone, everything can go wrong,
But with your remberence, I can feel at ease.
I will try to do whatever will please,
Only you, my Allah.
For I belong to you and my time here is limited and one day, I’ll return to you.
Till then, please keep me steadfast, keep me strong.
For with you, nothing can go wrong.