The Daisy In The Eyes Of Gatsby
The Great Gatsby Talks of the American Dream in a hesitant stance. We can never conclude whether the writer truly believed in the dream, but Nick gave me the impression of disgust in multiple instances. This objective and non-judgemental narrator may imply he is a flat character that never changes throughout the multiple themes depicted in the work, such as Superficiality vs Reality, Morality & religion being set aside under Dr Eckleburg’s eyes to make way for immorality manifested in infidelity, lies, self-image, and self-interest.
The themes reflect multiple impressions & Metaphors, such as Identity in the image of James Gats letting go of his origins and identity to become Jay Gatsby, who would do anything to achieve the facade of his new fabricated identity in the eyes of society, Daisy, and himself. We can also note the green light that Gatsby reaches for every night to come as a representation of Money, the pursuit of happiness, and the dream.
However, Daisy is the dream throughout Gatsby’s pursuit, so the green light may as well represent her. Daisy represents the dream, the status, and the recognition that Gatsby was originally deprived of growing up. There is also the image of recreating the past & the breaking of Nick’s clock as a noted moment to showcase how ambition turns into obsession, denial and being stuck in time or in the past.
In the end, Gatsby never came to realise his own dream but only was in pursuit of the one thing he felt and thought was real among all the lies and deception at the time till the very end when he was murdered. He was still willing to sacrifice and give it all for the sake of the pursuit and recognition in the eyes of his dream, society, Daisy, and himself because if not, what else would he have had left or be accounted for as have achieved in the eyes of all the previous. Emphasising the image of the eyes of Dr Eckleburg, the dream, society, Daisy, and himself.